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Ali Doğan Gönültaş
Kiğı. 9th June 2023. Mapamundi Música. Edition in CD with pictures, booklet and access to exclusive online content.

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  1. Fill in this simple form. We will tell you the cost and the procedure for the purcharse. 
  2. Buy it from CPL Shop, here.
Ali Doğan Gönültaş
Kiğı. 2022. Self-produced. Digital edition.
Listen here. You can also buy it digital, here.
Saîdê Goyî
Stranên Dilê Min. 2022. Self-produced. Digital edition.
Musical direction and arrangements by Ali.
Listen here. Buy it digital, here.
Saîdê Goyî
Jinê. 2023. Self-produced. Digital edition.
Musical direction and arrangements by Ali.
Listen here. Buy it digital, here.
Ze Tijê
Ur. 2019. Golfo mistico.
Listen here.
Ze Tijê
Yanlışımız Var!. 2015. Gar Müzik Yapım
Listen here.